Free slideshow templates

Create slideshows and animated video presentations with these free slideshow templates. The design and animations are ready: just add your photos, text, voiceover, music, and hit play!

A slideshow video is a presentation or slide deck that plays automatically like a movie. You just hit play and the slides advance from start to finish. Want your video to run constantly in the background? No problem: select Play on loop. 


In the business world, video slideshows offer an eye-catching way to showcase your product on your website, social media, or digital signage. Video is proven to have a high engagement rate so it’s also a great format for online learning, whether you’re teaching kids or training employees. 


With the Genially slideshow maker you can make your own video with photos, text, GIFs, pre-built designs and animated graphics. In minutes, you can put together an autoplay photo album, animated explainer video, video tutorial or product teaser. 


With Genially, creating a slideshow is as easy as making a presentation. Plus, if you choose one of our free online slideshow templates, all the hard work’s been done for you. The designs include animated slide transitions, beautiful themes, customizable color palettes, and ready-made graphics. Just drop in your pictures and text and you’ve got an awesome slideshow in minutes.  

Want to make an animated video for your students? Trying to turn photos into a video gallery or picture slideshow for a wedding or birthday celebration? Ready to unveil your new product range at a major expo? It’s easy for anyone to make a gorgeous slideshow video with Genially’s free slideshow templates. You don’t need any graphic design or video editing skills: the templates are simple to customize and there are hundreds of slideshow themes to choose from.

First up, choose a free slideshow template to showcase your photos, product, brand, or learning materials. Click Use template and create your free Genially account if it’s the first time you’re using the platform. 


Now it’s over to you to customize the design: switch color palettes, fill out the text boxes, drop in photos, and add music. Choose how fast you want the video to play by adjusting the duration of each slide, and select whether you want it to play once or loop on repeat. 


To see how your video is shaping up, go to Preview to watch how it will appear to your audience. When you’re happy with the result hit Publish and your slideshow presentation is ready to share with the world. Embed the slideshow directly on your website or social media. Share the link with colleagues, clients or students. Project it onto the screen to share with friends and family at a live event. Or add it to your learning management software. 


Whether it’s for a family occasion or a corporate event, a Genially slide show is quick and easy to make, and guaranteed to generate a  “wow” reaction from your audience.

Absolutely! It’s easy to add a soundtrack to your slideshow. Genially lets you pair your slides with music directly from Spotify, Soundcloud and other online streaming services. You can also insert other types of audio and sound effects, or record a voiceover to accompany your photos and video clips.