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Project presentation ERASMUS PLUS “AGENDA 2030: THAT’S OUR CHALLENGE”Goal 1: no poverty

Created by Silvia Salerno

All the project participants tasted the coloured cake representing the 17 Goals of Agenda 2030, prepared by our students of patîsserie, guided by the teacher, Mr Angelo Pittá.

Project presentation to the students we have selected for the mobilities and to some classes of our school, from the headminstress Dr Giuseppina Gugliotta and coordinator of Erasmus project, teacher Concetta Maddalena

Photos of activities of the Mayo-Mwana Project, an integrated social-health project in support of the poor of Zambia, volunteer activity of Dr. Fazzi Cristina

Volunteer and solidarity testimonials to talk about their experiences in the poor areas of the world, Uganda and Zambia in Africa: Engineer Milazzo Rosario, a volunteer in Uganda, of the association Africa Mission Association - NGO Cooperation and Development

Volunteer and solidarity testimonials: Enrico La Bianca - Photographic volume ““Sulle ali della farfalla”

Seminar on Erasmus +GOAL 1 NO POVERTY on Wednesday the 13th of December in IPS “Federico II” Enna

Photo of the volunteer of the “La Tenda” association. All the students, teachers and the school staff IPS “Federico II” Enna have been involved in the collection of food to donate to the associacion "la Tenda" which helps poor people in the town of Enna