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Something about me

I'm Oliwia Kobylkiewicz. I'm fourteen years old. I'm from Poland, and I live in Sarnow.

My hobbys are singing, dancing and playing volleyball but mostly drawing.

My eyes are blue and my hair are dark blond.

My favourite color is black and burgrundy.

I'm kind, friendly, sensitive, tolerant, ambitious, good, cheerful, honest and trustworthy.

Except metal music I like rap and pop. I listen a lot of songs in english language. Listening to music is my daily routine.

My favourite music band is Bring Me the Horizon. They make metal music and this is why I like them. I like a lot of their songs, but mostly "True Friends" from " That's The Spirit" album and "Drown" from "Live At Wembley".

I have two sisters. One is of age and second is seven years old.

My favourite animals are pandas, cats, rabbits and dogs.