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Jessica V. Raquel C. Janet Q.

What is technology integration?

-Technology integration refers to adding technology tools varying from computers, projector, tablets, smart boards, etc as part of yout lesson plan. -Technology integration can also involve student interaction with some of the tools metnioned to maximize learning.

Fun Fact: Although computers were developed in 1930, it was untill 1980 that everyday use computers were introduced.


Why should you integrate technology

-Technology has become essential in todays world, especially when it comes to the students of today. -Technology not only captures students attention but also allows them to control their own education. -Integration has a positive result in students progress and outcomes.


Tips on how to integrate

Elementary: - educational videos - online learning games - interactive lessons on smart board Middle School: - Power Point presentantions - Intoduction to Microsoft Office software - Reaserching skills on the web -Give student an open mind about technology.

Tips on how to integrate

High School: - Online lesson plans - Record online lectures - Assign online quizes and homework - Allow students to explore software and educational programs.

Risk#1 Teachers stop being the center of attention.

Risk factors of technology use

Risk #2 Not all students will have access to computers, tablets or internet at home.

Risk #3 Students may lose focus on assignment and wonder on the web without teachers permission.

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Genial.ly Genial.ly es un gestor de contenidos interactivos con el cuál usuarios sin conocimientos en programación pueden crear sus propios "recursos interactivos" (presentaciones, guías, dossiers, paneles/posters, etc.) donde podrán ir agregando y configurando su contenido de forma dinámica y medir su impacto. LinkedIn

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Benefits of technology inside the class

-Better communication

- Engage students


- Faster completion of assignments

- Easier access to school work

- Accessible resources

- Flexible in group assingments


21 Century classrooms

Students become more proefficient with technology.

Successful integration

Students have learned the objective and understand the purpose of the technology being used.

