Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Create your own video

Assess the activity

Our own reflections

Why use them

How to choose clips for our students.

how to plan your video lesson


Primary Teaching

Video Clips

Some useful links

Teaching for Success

Mª José de la Esperanza & Jeni Juez

With your students

Relevant aspects to highlight from our experience.

  1. We were engaged with the content and the variety of proposals.
  2. We believe we have learnt very practical tips for our teaching.
  3. It gave us a different perspective which has broadened our view of the use of clips in year 1 & 2., bearing in mind the maxim 'Grade the task, not the text'
  4. Video clips are a way of developing creativity.

https://www.britishcouncil.es/sites/default/files/lets-clan-guide-for-teachers-a4-print-2.pdf http://www.earlychildhoodeducationzone.com/most-educational-youtube-channels-for-kids/ http://lessonstream.org/lessons/ Lessons - Lessonstream.org A Charlie Chaplin lesson plan: This is one of the first Videotelling activities that I remember creating. I originally posted it on TEFLclips, the website that preceded this one. This was back in 2008 and the activity was titled Credit Crunch Lunch. I hope you enjoy it ... Lessonstream.org The 50 Most Educational YouTube Channels for Kids - Early Childhood Education Zone ​Finding educational shows for your children to watch can be hard to find. Finding an educational show that they will actually enjoy is even harder. YouTube is an excellent way to find educational content that your children will love. This list will allow you to find the right channel for every stage of your child's ... Early Childhood Education Zone

  • Increase student motivation.
  • Enhance learning experiences.
  • Higher marks.
  • Develops team working and communication skills.
  • Connection of images and sound.