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Endangered animals in the basque cauntry

By: Janire


  • Description

  • Location

  • Cause of being endangered

  • My campaign

  • Reproduction

  • Name

  • Habitat

  • Food habits

  • Important facts

  • Population

- Capercaillie -


It's name is Capercaillie.

- Location -


The Capercaillie lives in Asia and in the North of Europe (Cantabric/Pyrenees mountains).

- Habitat -


It lives in the coniferus forest in the warm part of Europe.

- Population -


There are only endagered in the basque country, that's why, aren't small population.


Male and female are very different:

- Female -



It's 60cm long and weighs 2kg. The hen is brown with black and silver spots, but, this colour is lighter in the belly. They (male and female) have got red spot adove eyes.

- Male -



It's 80cm long and weighs 4kg. The cock is dark grey, with white feather in it's belly and metallic green feathers in it's breast. They (male and female) have got red spot adove eyes.

- Food habits -


It's feeds on buds, leaves, berries, insects and grass.

- Reproduction -


The male capercaillie is famous of it's mate display: it opens it's tail and sings a tipical song to impress female. It lays 8 to 12 eggs, the chicks stay with parents 2 seasons.



My campaign

- Rescue T-shirt Design -

To help Capercaillie I'm going to do rescue T-shirt design:-First, I'm going to take Capercaillies face picture.-Second, I'm going to take it's fun-facts.-And to finish,I'm going to put all in a white T-shirt, also, share out the T-shirt amongst my friends, family members...

- Cause of being endangered -


the Capercaillie is in danger of extinction because of habitat loss, hunting and the disapered of holly berries.


The capercaillie can't fly very well of it's height.It's diurnal animal and in the nights stays in horizontal tree branch.

- Important facts -

My campaign

- Rescue T-shirt Design -

Mansin was a capercaillie and it liked to walk in oviedo's streets making people Curious looks.

Save Capecaillie!

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