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Endangered animals in the basque country

By: Oihan


  • Name

  • Habitat

  • Description

  • Location

  • Food habits

  • Reproduction

  • Important facts

  • Causes of being endangered

  • Your campaing

It's name is Bearded vulture


The Bearded Vulture lives in Europe, the Caucasus, Africa, India and Tibet.

It lives in high mountains

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The bearded Vulture Had a small head and powerfuln and thick neck. Is black grey and orange. Under the chin have a black beard.

Food habits

The bearded vulture eat's dead animals and bones

The bearded vulture is a bird, the female put one to two eggs. The chics are born after 132 days









Important facts

The Bearded Vulture fly very high and very well

The bearded vulture is in danger of extinction because of human activity (habitat degradatio., hunting...) and collisions with power lines.

Causes of being endangered

Your campaing

I request signatures to reskue the bearded vulture.

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