Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


How can we boost our health and improve our nutrition in a week?

DBH 11st term




Final Product


a. Songb. Presentationc.Play/Performanced.Any other product that answers the question.

Autum Term ( October, November and December)11 weeks1,5 hours per week

-Explore: Inquire, investigate, Discover-Create: Design, "write/make". Plan group activity, -Share: Publish, Present, Show to audience and get feedback

Project Based Learning @ Casco Akademy

We will investigate about

How can we boost our health and improve our nutrition in a week?

N U T R I E N T S - Type of nutrients - Functions in the body - Food sources - Where does our food come from? - Diseases caused by deficiency or excess of certain nutrientsT H E D I G E S T I V E S Y S T E MH E A L T H Y H A B I T S - How to plan a balanced diet - Exercise


We will develop

- Intrapersonal Intelligence- Interpersonal Intelligence- Verbal-linguistic Intelligence- Visual-Spacial Intelligence- Naturalistic Intelligence- Musical Intelligence- Logical-Mathematical Intelligence- Kinesthetic Intelligence


How can we boost our health and improve our nutrition in a week?

G R A M M A R - for the whole year -

  • Past Simple/Past Continuous
  • Adverbs of frequency
  • Countable/Uncountable nouns // Quantity
  • Adjectives: Comparatives+Superlatives
  • Present Perfect // PP+since/for
  • Past Perfect
  • Order of adjectives // Gerunds and Infinitives
  • Obligation/prohibition/necessity // Ability/Possibility
  • The passive // Agreeing/Disagreeing
  • Possessive forms // The future
  • Conditional (0,1st) // Conditional (2nd) // Transformations
  • Used to
  • Have sth done done // Transformations // Expressing Purpose

How can we boost our health and improve our nutrition in a week?

V O C A B U L A R Y- for the 1st term -

  • Nutrients, food, healthy eating habits and exercising

How can we boost our health and improve our nutrition in a week?

  • SDG video



How the food you eat affects your brain VIDEO

We will investigate about

How can we boost our health and improve our nutrition in a week?

N U T R I E N T S - Type of nutrients - Functions in the body - Food sources - Where does our food come from? - Diseases caused by deficiency or excess of certain nutrientsT H E D I G E S T I V E S Y S T E MH E A L T H Y H A B I T S - How to plan a balanced diet - Exercise