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Maria and Emilia's father is a United States Senator.

Aztlán is what was once called Mexico. Almost all of El Patrón siblings died in Aztlán and lots of the Alacráns died there too.

Opium, ruled by El Patrón, is a strip of land between USA and Aztlán. "a strip of poppy fields lying between the United States and what was once called Mexico" mainly all fields of opium Opium is a country filled with poppies that are used to harvest opium. The opium that El Patron collects is used to trade and gain wealth for the Alacráns. The Opium us collected by the Eejits.(people that have been altered by implants)

  • Blue - Celia's House
  • Green - The Big House
  • Purple - Celia's Apartment
  • Red - Matt's Prison
  • Pink - Laboratory
  • Yellow - The Oasis

The prison is where matt was kept for six months at the age of 6 and was kept in bad living conditions while kept isolated from the rest of the world. After Matts experience within this chamber, he was unable to talk to others and had a very shifted personality which resulted from his isolation within the prison. He had been suffering from mild malnutrition, had sores in his mouth, and had a skin condition from dirt and an allergic reaction from chicken litter.

The laboratory, where Matt was created, is one of the smaller constructs in the building. Here is where they kept the cows and kept them alive using processes to mimic those of real life to keep them alive. Matt was injected into the womb of one of one of these cows where he was born as a living human/clone

The apartment is where Matt is currently living with Celia and is visited by Maria over the weekends. He's been living there for the past 3 years and is currently 9 years old. He does his school work and everything else here.

The big house, owned by El-patron, is a large house that is used as a living space for most of the Alacran’s and some of El-patrons guests/visitors like matt and Celia. This house is located in the middle of the large poppy fields where they harvest opium.

Celia's cottage is located a couple of miles away from the big house and was where Matt was raised from ages 0-6. Matt was restricted from leaving the cottage and could only go outside with Celia to gaze at the stars.

The oasis is a small body of water beyond the knowledge of the Alacrans and those supporting. it's the area where Matt and Tam Lin bonded through a picnic for Matt's reward of being able to speak. Tam Lin already knew about this area and is very scared that if the Alacrans find out about it, they will simply use it as another one of their water supplies.