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Harlem Renaissance

The Renaissance Olympics

By Benjamin

European Renaissance

Chinese Renaissance

Irish Renaissance

Native American Renaissance

South American Renaissance

African Renaissance

To the Events!

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The European Renaissance: The european renaissance is probably the most known renaissance that has happened in history so far. This renaissance started in Italy. The rise of the merchant class left many opportunities for patronage to happen. Patronage provided funding for many growing ideas, lead by certain people. For example Brunelleschi. Brunelleschi created a dome building, that many people though was not possible. From there, artists started to flourish. More Info: Key Representatives: Brunelleschi Leonardo Da Vinci Martin Luther Shakespeare Galileo Copernicus Time Period: 1300-1600 What Changed?: Appreciation of science, art, architecture, ect. Belief in Humanism Mona Lisa Vitruvian Man

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The Chinese Renaissance: The Chinese renaissance was to bring back culture that the Communist Party of China had removed. They wanted to reform things like education, art, ect. More Info: Representatives: Chiang Kai-shek Lee Teng-hui Time Period: 1966-Now What Changed?Education Literacy Art Media Culture Tourism Politics

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The Irish Renaissance: The Irish Renaissance was the rise of literacy talent in the 19th and 20th century. It began at the year 1888 when William Butler Yeats published a book called Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry. Which was a collection of stories from many Irish authors, while funding the National Literacy Society. This gave a lot of inspiration to other people to write more stories. More Info: Representatives: James Clarence Mangan, Samuel Ferguson, Standish James O'Grady, William Butler Yeats.Time Period:Late 19th Century- Early 20th CenturyWhat Changed?Irish Literacy- Intrest-ContentWilliam Butler Yeats Fairy and Folk tales of Irish Peasantry

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South American Renaissance: The South american renaissance focused mainly on learning. At around the 1500s education was rebirth in South America. This was due to the spread of the printing press. The printing press gave people a reason to learn. They could read the newspaper, write a article, ect. More Info: Representatives Glutenburg (Maker of Printing Press) Time Period: 1500s- 1600s What Changed? South Americans way of learning, and life. Many people became inspired to be able to print a book, read an article, ect.

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The Native American Renaissance The Native American Renaissance symbolizes the significant production of literacy works by Native Americans in the late 1960s to now. It also symbolizes the change of content in their works. This Renaissance was caused by the Native Americans getting a english education. At this time, the Native Americans culture and economics also had a re-birth. More Info: Representatives: N. Scott Momaday Duane Niatum Leslie Marmon Gerald Vizenor James Welch Joy Harjo Barney Bush Simon J. Ortiz Louise Erdrich Paula Gunn Allen nila northSun Time Period: 1960s to now What Changed?: Production and Content of Native American Literacy Works Native American Culture and Economics Native American Renaissance- Stories from the Native American Renaissance

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African Renaissance: The African Renaissance began in 1946 when a student by the name of Cheikh Anta Diop when she wrote a series of essays about their culture and development. These essays sparked a movement. Later on, the new leader of Africa said he would support these ideas. He created the "African Renaissance Institute". This institute was to end the violence, racism and other bad behaviors and promote education, literacy, art, ect. More Info: Representatives Cheikh Anta Diop Thabo Mbeki Time Periods 1946- Now What Changed? Culture Literacy Education Art Behavior Poverty

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Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was located in Harlem, New York, USA. This renaissance greatly changed the worldview of black people. At the time, many people were drawn towards Harlem because it was a cultural and social center. More Info: Representatives Charles S. Johnson Alain Locke Time Period 1918-1930 What Changed? Appreciation towards black people Visual Arts Literacy Music Education More Diversity

The Events!

To Compare the multiple renaissances, I have decided to examine and compare them like olympic "events" to find out how they affected us today, and how much they have affected us today. Click on the first event to get started!

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First Event: Length

Since I am going to do this like the olympics, the winner of each events will get 7 points. Second place 6 points, Third place 5 points and so on. The winner and rankings will be showcased at the "medal ceremony". Please note that a lot of these rankings are my opinion. Feel free to agree or disagree in the comments!

Next Event: Who did it affect?

Back to: The Events


1: European 2: South American 3: Chinese 4: Native American 5: Irish 6: African 7: Harlem *For this event only*

Here, I am measuring the length of the renaissances. The longer the length = the more influence it got = the higher chance that it affected us today. As you can see the european renaissance has the lead at the length of 300 years, while the Harlem renaissance is in last with around 12 years. Please note these are not the exact lengths.

1: European 2: South American 3: Chinese 4: Native American 5: Irish 6: African 7: Harlem *For this event only*

1: European 2: South American 3: Chinese 4: Native American 5: Irish 6: African 7: Harlem *For this event only*

Who did it Affect?

- European Renaissance

- Chinese Renaissance

- Irish Renaissance

- Native American Renaissance

- South American Renaissance

- African Renaissance

- Harlem Renaissance

Next Event: Did the renaissance change art, education/literacy, and politics?


1: European Renaissance 2: Harlem Renaissance 3: African Renaissance 4: Chinese Renaissance 5: South American Renaissance 6: Native American Renaissance 7: Irish Renaissance *For this event only*

The Native american renaissance affected indigenous people in North America. Although it mostly affected writers, it also affected all indigenous people as a whole since it affected economic and culture too.

The Irish renaissance only affected a small amount of people. Mostly writers and scholars.

The european renaissance has most likely affected the most people. It has affected europeans, north americans, and you could even connect it to everyone in the world. This is because the european renaissance really promoted science.

The African Renaissance affected all africans. This renaissance was made to stop racism, corruption, and poverty in Africa. They promoted their culture and ways of life.

The Harlem renaissance greatly affected all black people. This renaissance raised awareness for all black people.

The Chinese Renaissance has only affected Chinese people, since it is a movement to bring back culture to the Chinese people.

The south american renaissance mostly affected students. The South American renaissance featured a revival of education.

Here, I decided to talk about who it affected. Some renaissances were directed mostly towards certain people, and others affected many. The european renaissance won this round because it has affected most everyone on the globe. The last renaissance this round is the Irish renaissance, since it only really affected Irish writers and scholars.

1: European Renaissance 2: Harlem Renaissance 3: African Renaissance 4: Chinese Renaissance 5: South American Renaissance 6: Native American Renaissance 7: Irish Renaissance *For this event only*

1: European Renaissance 2: Harlem Renaissance 3: African Renaissance 4: Chinese Renaissance 5: South American Renaissance 6: Native American Renaissance 7: Irish Renaissance *For this event only*

Did the renaissance change art, education/literacy, and politics?

- European Renaissance

- Chinese Renaissance

- Irish Renaissance

- Native American Renaissance

- South American Renaissance

- African Renaissance

- Harlem Renaissance

Next Events: From 1 to 10, how much does it affect us now?


European Renaissance: 3 Points Chinese Renaissance: 2 Points Irish Renaissance: 1 Point Native American Renaissance: 2 Points South American Points Renaissance: 1 Point African Renaissance: 2 Points Harlem Renaissance: 3 Points *For this event only*

Art: No Education/Literacy: Yes Politics: Yes

Art: No Education/Literacy: Yes Politics: No

Art: No Education/Literacy: Yes Politics: No

Art: Yes Education/Literacy: Yes Politics: Yes

Art: Yes Education/Literacy: Yes Politics: No

Art: Yes Education/Literacy: Yes Politics: Yes

Art: Yes Education/Literacy: Yes Politics: No

I chose this to showcase the different things that the renaissances changed. Each renaissance will be rewarded 1 point for every category they changed: Arts, Education/Literacy, Politics.

European Renaissance: 3 Points Chinese Renaissance: 2 Points Irish Renaissance: 1 Point Native American Renaissance: 2 Points South American Points Renaissance: 1 Point African Renaissance: 2 Points Harlem Renaissance: 3 Points *For this event only*

European Renaissance: 3 Points Chinese Renaissance: 2 Points Irish Renaissance: 1 Point Native American Renaissance: 2 Points South American Points Renaissance: 1 Point African Renaissance: 2 Points Harlem Renaissance: 3 Points *For this event only*

- European Renaissance

- Chinese Renaissance

- Irish Renaissance

- Native American Renaissance

- South American Renaissance

- African Renaissance

- Harlem Renaissance

From 1 to 10, how much does it affect us now?

To the "Medal Ceremony"





1= Not at all 10= Everything has been affected by it I chose to do this to show how important some of these renaissances are to us now.





1: European Renaissance 2: Harlem Renaissance 3: African Renaissance 4: Native American Renaissance 5: South American Renaissance 6: Chinese Renaissance 7: Irish Renaissance *For this event*

The Medal Ceremony!

First Place goes to: The European Renaissance!

Second Place goes to: The Harlem Renaissance

Third Place goes to: The African Renaissance

Fourth Place goes to: The Chinese Renaissance

Fifth Place goes to: The South American Renaissance

Sixth Place goes to: The Native American Renaissance

Seventh Place goes to: The Irish Renaissance

-Reset Presentation


It is easy to say that some renaissances have affected us more then others. Thank you for giving your attention and feel free to comment. Please reset this presentation for the next group by clicking the star in the corner.


Points: 13 The South American renaissance was not to big. It was mainly then people of south american renewing their education.

Points: 26 The european renaissance has clearly affected everyone on our world. Art, politics, literature, science, math, ect, were all promoted and re-birthed throughout this renaissance. The european renaissance also had a long length, giving it more influence, over many different people.

Points: 6 The Irish renaissance was a very small event that signified the increase in Irish literacy. This renaissance doesn't really affect us today.

Points: 15 The African renaissance has and is changing poverty, racism and corruption in Africa. This renaissance looks like it has affected life more then other renaissances.

Points: 14 The Chinese renaissance greatly affected Chinese people as a whole, but not all of us today.

Points: 16 It is clear that the second renaissance is the Harlem renaissance. This renaissance affected many different types of things and created diversity in our world.

Points: 12 The Native american renaissance did many things to native americans, although this renaissance didn't affect the majority of us today.

It is easy to say that some renaissances have affected us more then others. Thank you for giving your attention and feel free to comment. Please reset this presentation for the next group by clicking the star in the corner.

It is easy to say that some renaissances have affected us more then others. Thank you for giving your attention and feel free to comment. Please reset this presentation for the next group by clicking the star in the corner.












Textbook: Our Worldviews
