Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Are you ready to find out our way?

Tell Me Your Way

Cadouin 2016

Solidarités Jeunesses ( http://www.solidaritesjeunesses.org/ ) organizes international short and long term projects, integration activities, trainings, international actions of solidarity and manages hosting centers in countryside. The aim of the association is to promote the voluntary participation of everyone in inter-generational, intercultural and international exchanges. For that we offer to young people and adults of all ages, different types of volunteering in France and abroad:

  • International workcamps (2 to 3 weeks)
  • Midterm and long term volunteering (from 2 months to 1 year)
  • Interculturality, collective life and popular education, as the values of respect, equality, reciprocity and fairness are particularly close to us.
Solidarités Jeunesses is a movement composed of eight associations (territorial delegations) which, from common national objectives, express in the different region these movement dynamics. In total, the movement has more than 1,200 members, 300 of which are invested in equities throughout the year. Solidarités Jeunesses employs about 50 permanent staff. Through its actions, Solidarités Jeunesses promotes a society of justice, peace and solidarity. It fights against the various forms of violence, injustice and oppression, and supports all those, who want to manage their history collectively and organize a responsible and free society.


- Contents -

About the Project

Who we are


Learn and Discover

Learn to Love


Tell Me Your Way

“Tell me your way" is a meeting of different young people, coming from three European countries: Greece, France and Latvia. This exchange was organized by the association "Sem&Vol", the territorial delegation of Solidarités Jeunesses, and took place in the municipality of Cadouin, in Dordogne from August 22nd to September 10th, 2016, in partnership with the municipality and local associations. During three weeks these European young people were hosted in the school, in the heart of the village! During the project the participants have created a "book-object", a digital book made up of texts, images, photos, drawings, paintings, collages, videos, recordings, … in various languages. The soul of the project consisted of emphasizing the fact that one and the same thing can be seen from various points of view, that's what gives a vision of 360°. This digital book is now ready to travel in all of four corners of the world!!! During this exchange many activities were offered to the local people: workshops with children in the school and in the elderly house, free meals during international days, the demonstrations and flash mob during the local markets. The goal was to impulse a local dynamics from an international energy, to create links between European young people and local people, by using the arts as way to express and fight against social exclusion, to propose a way to discover its own potentials of creation and learn how to share an intercultural collective project and to offer a place of exchange, to awake the critical mind while implementing a concrete project. These young people discovered the region Périgord and its specialities: the abyss of Proumeyssac, Acquarium du Bugue; they made canoe trip, went hiking, as well as they have visited the village by night during the torchlight procession. Youngsters met inhabitants of the village and these cadounians were so welcoming to them, so that young people were able to participate in the local life and enjoy it, during all three weeks of the project.

The Team

“Tell Me Your Way” is a project that has united people of three different parts of Europe: the south-eastern part was represented by Greece, the northern by Latvia and the western by France. Each group contributed something very special from their cultures to the TEAM. Greek group, for example, was always speaking loud and expressing their feelings almost like Italians. While spending time together with Greeks, you always laugh till you feel the pain in your stomach and till you start to cry, ‘motherfather’!!! In contrast to full of energy Greeks, Latvian girls were calm and shy. However, being in the company of full of life people, they opened their minds and hearts and tried to be helpful to everyone. The French group was a hosting team, they were a bridge to local culture and local people. Thanks to this group, all national and international evenings, were big parties with many local people, who were so enthusiastic about the project. The reader should now imagine this MAGIC that happened when all these people came together in Cadouin. We would like to share our life story with you, our views and thoughts in this book. Bienvenue! Laipni lūdzam! Welcome! Καλωσήρθατε!

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About us

"Quel plaisir de retrouver un espace de rencontre, de création et d’expression. D’en être acteur, auteur… Et quel bonheur que de se voir accueilli par un village, de rencontrer de façon éphémère des gens dont la gentillesse s’installe dans mon coeur comme la promesse que l’avenir peut être beau si l’on se donne le temps de se rencontrer, de se comprendre et d’échanger… … Avec Amour."





"Nous sommes comme les grains de sable sur la plage, mais sans les grains de sable, la plage n’existerait pas."

"C’est une excellente expérience pour moi d’avoir : vécu avec une quinzaine de personnes de différentes nationalités, partager, échanger avec eux, des hauts et des bas, des rires et des larmes, s’adapter à la vie collective. S’exprimer de différentes manières."

"It’s very important that our Europeans generation can meet and share. Together we are stronger. Now there is so many conflict because of the fear of the others. We can fight and be strong with our knowledge. And keep sharing it. Be aware and never stop!! "

"Live, love, laugh. Feel pain, feel joy, feel free to be yourself, it helps toenjoy every little moment more and more, just dare to do it !"





"As to me, this project is like entering in the sea. You just go without thinking. I applied for it without thinking and I tried to stay open to new people, new activities, new lifestyle. I really enjoyed this exchange of thoughts, stories, smiles with local people and project participants. These 3 weeks will stay in my heart and memory forever."

"These few weeks in this project helped me become more and more confidence with myself , I opened my self to new opportunities, I met a lot of amazing people and I saw their different views of life, and I discover this amazing country France .This was one of my latest best experiences! "

"To me, the most important thing in life is to stay true to yourself, live with open heart and help others ; follow your dream, face bravely your fears, focus on the every moment and make sure you do your best in whatever you do in life."

"Each of us is like a small river, carrying special memories end experiences. When those rivers come across to each other something new is created. Something grand. At first, the interaction seems hard. The boat is rocked. But, as time goes by everyone finds their rhythm. They find a way to coexist harmoniously. So, this is what happened with our project."





"Hang loose!"

"I like to telling my way, but i love hearing the ways of others. "

"Roses are redViolets are blueI live this projectAnd You guys too! "

"Incontrarsi, scontrarsi, amandosi un po', sempre un po' di più... Capire che siamo gli stessi, stessi occhi, stessi cuori... C'est notre point de vue qui change... il lato da cui guardiamo le cose... lui é diverso! Ed é proprio unendolo che abbiamo une visione completa!! Grazie di cuore a tutti!! "





"When we came I thought the aim of the project was to build a book. Now, when there are only two days left, I have realized that the book is not important. Our everyday life, the collective life and the book making process have been a non stopping way of living and sharing experiences. Its something really beautiful to see how some people have developed and changed for good themselves thank to the project. It makes you believe that you are in a special place and that we all are able to do much more than what we think."

"Travel Everywhere Live Learn Meet Elderly Youths Our Unexpected Relations Wow Awesome Yolo"

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far ,go together ! I will not forget you Thank you guys. "


"What is freedom? Are we allowed to be what we truly want to be? Are we allowed to do what we truly want to do? Are we allowed to be happy in the way we are? Is it all those crazy values and laws the governments choose and change whenever they want to? And in the same time saying that all of this are for our freedom. How can we believe in people who fight and kill only for getting bigger power? Where’s freedom in this case? How can we believe in people who kill and don’t care about others only for bigger houses, fanciest cars and fullest pockets with money? If it’s about power , if it’s about being bigger, stronger, faster, how can we believe in those people who control our lives? We can’t because there is no unconditional love, there’s only profits and big limits, we can’t express ourselves in the way we want to. And if there is no love, there is no freedom!"

Brīvība nozīmē pašam veidot savu dzīves ceļu, brīvi elpot un ļauties būt tam, kas tu esi, ļauties savam iekšējam Es, būt, kas tu vēlies būt. Brīvība ir kad tu vari baudīt savu dzīvi, iet un darīt visu, kas balstās uz beznosacījuma mīlestības un nav neviens, kurš tev diktētu savus noteikumus. Brīvs no uzspiestās sistēmas, brīvs no negatīvās enerģijas, brīvs no kontroles, brīvs no uzspiestām definīcijām/stereotipiem, kuras tev cenšās piešķirt kāds citsm, brīvs no valdības un cilvēkiem. Brīvība – kad tu mīli sevi neierobežotā mīlestībā, kad seko saviem sapņiem un mērķiem, kad nebaidies! Brīvība pati par sevi jau visu izsaka! Brīvība. Brīvs. Brīvs no jebkā, kas nenāk no tevis, no tavas dvēseles. Brīvība ir tad, kad tu kontrolē savu dzīvi un uzstādi sev pats savus noteikumus, jo tikai tu zini. Kas tu esi, ko tu gribi un kas ir vislabāk tev! Šī ir brīvība, kas mums jānes pasaulē. Nebaidīties un darīt!

- Freedom-

- Freedom-

Statues of Freedom

- Education -

- Freedom-

- Freedom-

Freedom is...

Kas ir brīvība ? Vai tā ir spēja elpot ? Spēja redzēt krāsas un dzirdēt skaņas? Vai brīvība ir būt siltumā, justies drošībā un būt mīlētam ? Brīvība ir mīlēt bez robežām, dalīties ar prieku, smaidu, savu pozitīvo enerģiju, negaidot neko atpakaļ un sajust piepildījumu par to. Brīvība ir nepiederēt kādam, būt neatkarīgam no apkārtējiem, justies piederīgam. Brīvība – ļauties būt tādam kāds vēlies būt, ļauties būt tam, kas patiesi esi, un nepadoties apkārtējo ietekmei. Darīt to, kas tev patīk un nebaidīties no nezināmā. Brīvība ir būt harmonijā ar sevi pašu, tā ir ticība sev. Tas ir kas tāds, ko neviens tev nevar atņemt un neviens to nevar iedot – to jāsasniedz/jāsajūt pašam. Brīvībai nav robežas. Pārmaiņas sākas ikkatrā no mums – kļūsim brīvi no bailēm, šaubām un kontroles!

Ελευθερία είναι να μπορείς να αγαπάς ότι θες και όποιον θες. Να ταξιδεύεις και να γνωρίζεις καινούργιους ανθρώπους. Να ακούς τη μουσική που σου αρέσει. Να ντύνεσαι όπως θες. Να δοκιμάζεις καινούργια φαγητά. Να μαθαίνεις ξένες γλώσσες. Όμως την πραγματική ελευθερία την συμπληρώνει κάτι που συχνά ξεχνάμε. Ξεχνάμε ένα πολύ σημαντικό κομμάτι της ελευθερίας που βρίσκεται μέσα μας, στο μυαλό και την καρδιά μας. Όταν κατακτήσεις την εσωτερική σου ελευθερία, τότε οι εξωτερικοί παράγοντες φαίνονται μικροί. Το ιδιαίτερο με την εσωτερική ελευθερία είναι ότι μπορείς να την μεταδόσεις στους άλλους. Όχι να την διδάξεις αλλά να την εμπνεύσεις στους ανθρώπους που βρίσκονται γύρω σου. Αυτό είναι αληθινή δύναμη. Ελευθερία είναι να ζεις χωρίς να φοβάσαι, είναι ο δρόμος για να ανακαλύψεις τον εαυτό σου. Να είσαι αυτό που νοιώθεις και να έχεις γύρω σου ανθρώπους που σε αγαπούν για αυτό που είσαι πραγματικά. Να ζεις με τον τρόπο που θες, δείχνοντας σεβασμό στους γύρο σου. Όταν μιλάμε για ελευθερία όλα αυτά θεωρούνται αυτονόητα, μα στις μέρες μας δεν υπάρχει πλέον χώρος και χρόνος για αυτή.

- Freedom-

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- Freedom-


-Learn to Love -

-Learn to Love -

Love is...

-Learn to Love -

Nowdays people really don’t understand what is relationships. They’re trying to limit it, trying to put some labels and so on. But what really are relationships? It’s a connection between two people, when you really like someone and you want to make other person happy, seeing him/her smiling and so on. Relationships are not about expecting something, it’s not about getting something from other person. It’s about giving, sharing, careing. Only then relationships are based by unconditional love (it’s the key of everything) because if you’re always waiting for something, always wanting something, expecting something from others it’s not real relationships, you just want to make your Ego happy, it means that there is something missing inside of you and you just need other person to make you feel fullfill, it’s a fake relationship.

Φιλία Όταν κοιτάς κάποιον στα μάτια και καταλαβαίνεις ότι σκέφτεστε το ίδιο πράγμα. Όταν γελάς με κάποιον μέχρι το στομάχι σου να πονέσει. Όταν ο χρόνο σου τρέχει σα νερό όταν είσαι μαζί του Τότε ξέρεις ότι έχεις έναν φίλο. Friendship When I look you in the eyes and I know you’re thinking the same thing When I laugh with you so hard,that our stomach aches When time flys like water while together Then I know I have a friend

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"Learn to Love"

-Learn to Love -

The only thing I can say is that people have to stop fighting! It is all about power, about other country resources and now it is getting worse and worse because rich people have created a big hate in many many countries and it is based on lies and fears. At this point I feel useless... I am tired of these things that are happening around. Why we cannot live peacefully? Why people cannot realise the truth about what is happening, that there is someone who is behin of all this? Refugees are coming Refugees are crying next to the sea Refugees are seeking for the freedom And there is an old grandmother In a small Greek island Feeding one refugee's body. Refugees are people like us. They have feelings . They had families, they had homes, communication. They are afraid of their future. And then there are us. Some of us are afraid of this new unknown, and some of us want to help them unconditionally. It takes a lot of courage to leave everything behind, to ignore how you will eat, sleep, walk tomorrow. Surviving not living. Media make people afraid of migrations. Terrorism.Crisis. Still jobs, rape woman (1st year Cologne). Walk with a little bag..kids. Give money to people ‘helping’ to cross borders. It is a freedom and in the universal declaration is written: everyone can ask protection if his life is in danger. Media scares population. National parties are taking more space. Human can be treated better then dogs!


-Learn to Love -

Learn and Discover

-Learn and Discover-

Discovering places...

-Learn and Discover-

-Learn and Discover-

Cегодня она решила извлекать эмоцию "радость" из всего, что она видит. Вот она ступила на дорогу, залитую солнечным светом. Она почувствовала как попала в объятия этого тёплого дня. ‘Наверное, сегодня днём будет очень жарко’, подумала она и увидела небольшую площадь с многочисленными палатками. Она ощутила радость, выходя на площадь, как будто это был невидимый купол именно в этом месте. По мере того, как она всё дальше продвигалась в центр этого купола, она проходила, как бы, несколько кругов ароматов. Сначала запах свежих овощей и фруктов, потом миндальный аромат маленьких разноцветных печенек привлёк её внимание. Этот круг аромата нежно пересекался с другим кругом, наполненным тонким ароматом красного вина. Кажется, что эти круги были своего рода испытанием на стойкость. Те, кто пройдёт по этим лавкам, прочувствует каждый оттенок ароматов, попробует эти плоды приготовленные местными мастерами, тот получит награду в самом центре этого купола. Центр - это эстетическое наслаждение. Лавки с множеством невероятных украшений, сделанных своими руками. Разной формы, цветов. Каждую маленькую, и не очень, вещицу хочется взять в руки, потрогать и обязательно примерить. Попробовать нарушить личное пространство, прижать к коже. И удивительно, как это колечко сияет и переливается маленькими блёстками на солнце. Кажется, что в этом колечке заключено много-много солнышек. Вежливый продавец рассказал с какого региона добываются эти маленькие солнышки. А в соседней лавке красивые подвески из дерева с винтажной вставочкой. На столе рядом высыпана кучка вставочек с цветами, символом французской столицы - Эйфелевой башней и многим другим. Руки невольно сами выбрали серединку. Так хочется увезти с собой этот городок, с этим маленьким куполом радости. Вот эта подвеска будет всегда напоминать об этих запахах, цветах. О тепле, о голубом небе, о зелёных горах вокруг. И о том, что далеко от этой суеты большого города есть вот такой оазис наслаждения.

Оазис счастья

Discovering the village...

-Learn and Discover-

Nowadays, it is important to change general feeling that the society has on the education. Education is not the same as profitability. The aim of educational system has to formulated as follows: to develop self thinking and pensamiento critico. Education is an imporant milestone in our life, however, nowadays I see lots of young people succeeding in life and builing their career without having higher education. In my opinion, education broadens your horizonts, gives basic theorethical knowledge, but in life people need other knowledge, not just theorethical. So I think that the approach has to be changed!


-Learn and Discover-

-Learn and Discover-

-Learn and Discover-

Collective Life

What is collective life? We all are individs, we all are different but in the same time – we are one. Some people feel comfortable about “this” and some not. Some people feel comfortable about “that” and some not. From my point of view collective life is not about doing the same things, feeling the same way and so on, It’s not about being together for 24 hours at day,It’s not about always following the same rulles. I think it’s about finding the golden way so everybody will feel good about who they are, where they are and so on, but ofcourse, sometimes we need to push ourselves but we need to be carefull that it is not violent, otherwise it could be very bad in the end.. I think collective life is about recpect and axeptance.. As I said we all are individs and we all have our own way in our lifes which makes us feel good about ourselfs. And it’s about freedom as well. There’s introverts and extraverts in this world, and it’s okey. We always can change our habits, our definitions and things like that, we can change our points of view about ev erything, but we can’t change our souls, our inner selfs, our seeds, because that’s who we truly are! We can’t say to cat – be like dog and to dog – be like cat. And if you’re dog and you have some problems that I’m cat then maybe you have some problems to being who you are?! Collective life is about learning from others about oursefs. We need to axcept every individ and their inner selfs! We all need to feel good about who we are. We need to be aware and kind – that’s collective life and not to trying change someones personality. And we need to respect each other and beeing together we can build unconditional love all around ourselves! Peace

Discovering ourselves...

-Learn and Discover-

Discovering ages...

-Learn and Discover-

"Learn and Discover"

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-Learn and Discover-

-Learn and Discover-


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- Blossom-

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"Talent SHow"

- Blossom-

Blossoming art...

- Blossom-

Blossoming art...

- Blossom-

Se sentir utile et l'être ! Apporter aux autresles soutien dont ils ont besoin. Respecter, partager, échanger, vivre la vie... Tristan (avec les lunettes)

Liberté, se laisser traverser par tout ce que l'on rencontre et choisir que ça soit bon, possible, que ça nous mène plus profondement en nous-mêmes, plutôt que nous en éloigner.Liberté comme un choix d'expansion qui pousse à s'épanouir plutôt qu'à se retracter. Liberté comme un choix d'être son propre chemin, dans les aspects difficiles ou paisibles.Se laisser traverser sans se figer.En mouvement, en conscience.Ysaline, (with the freedom painting)

Blossoming talent...

- Blossom-

- Blossom-

-Inter-national Days-

- Blossom-

-Inter-national Days-

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"International Day"

- Blossom-

This small and beautiful village became a centre of Europe for the time of the project. It was pulsing of Life. The team became not just a team; it became a Family, a big international family. Like all families, 16 members lived together and shared their fears and expectations, tears and smiles, problems and new ways of thinking. The time that participants of the project spent in France was a new life for each one.

- contact -

  • Association Sem&Vol - SJ Aquitaine
  • www.solidaritesjeunesses.org
  • EMAIL: aquitaine@solidaritesjeunesses.org valeriabaccigalupi@yahoo.fr
  • PHONE: +33 (0)6 77 95 77 46