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Thales' Theorem Applications

Team from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, for the eTwinning project "Life is math, Math is Life 2"

Dividing a segment line into equal parts

1. Draw a line from a vertex

2.Mark on it 7 equal segments

3. Draw a line from the 7th mark to the other vertex

4.Draw parallel lines passing through the next of the marks

5.The intersection with the segment defines the 7 equal parts

6.Same process can be repeated with any number of divisions

Our work with the whole class

Our work with the whole class

How to draw and enlarge an image with a grid (the grid method)

  • you need to draw a grid over your reference image, and then draw a grid of equal ratio on your work surface
  • the size of your artwork must always be equally proportionate to the size of the reference image
  • you need to transfer what you see in the reference image, block by block, onto your paper

    Our inspiration


    The 8th grade from Colegiul National Pedagogic "Gh. Lazar", Cluj-Napoca Teacher Marilena Faiciuc